You Are The Visitor Number

Saturday, March 8, 2008

/* Program to Create a Fibonacci Series */

This is a simple Program in C language you can Generate
Fibonacci Series From
this Program I have made this program Using While Loop Scratch your mind & you can also try it with For & do while loop. Fibonacci series starts with 0 & 1 & precede with the addition of last two terms ie net term will be 0+1 i.e. 1 & next 1+1=2 Then next 2+1=3 so series becomes 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,65……so on

/* Program to Create a Fibonacci Series */

/* Author Mitochondria Technologies Inc. */


#include<conio.h> /*Header Files */

void main() /*Main function to begin program & it is kept empty*/


int a,b,c,count=0,n; /*variable declaration & also initialization counter in one statement*/

clrscr(); /*clear screen to clear outputs after usage*/

printf("Enter The Value of No. : "); /*Input command for user for length of series*/

scanf("%d",&n); /*Taking input*/




while(count<n-2) /*condition counter*/


c=a+b; /*series generating logic*/




count++; /*increment counter*/


getch(); /*getch function to retain output on screen*/


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